Isn`t it weird how you keep thinking about things you have to do during exams??
for example, i`ve been reading the blogs for a while but it never occured to me to create one. Tow days ago(on and exam night) the idea just poped up and i went for it... and here i am!
once a couple of years ago i decided to paint on my room walls. i finished half of one of the walls and stopped, i didn`t have time to complete(or thats what i thought). after a while-and believe me it wasn`t short- in one week and a half during exams i finished the whole room!
Isn`t it weird how you keep thinking about things you have to do during exams??
for example, i`ve been reading the blogs for a while but it never occured to me to create one. Tow days ago(on and exam night) the idea just poped up and i went for it... and here i am!
once a couple of years ago i decided to paint on my room walls. i finished half of one of the walls and stopped, i didn`t have time to complete(or thats what i thought). after a while-and believe me it wasn`t short- in one week and a half during exams i finished the whole room!
lol, it happens to almost everyone AL. its what i call the devils Work!!!
Leo., at 3:56 PM
will i guess it is devil work <--- as my mom says!!!
ana-alia, at 2:02 PM
anything new in your life?!
Leo., at 5:24 AM
mmm... i know i haven`t been postting for a while...
am a bit busy with a project.. inshallah i`ll be posting soon :)
ana-alia, at 7:30 AM
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