Tagged by la brazilian bella la élégant
taggd to answer my own quistions, so that will be a little weird! i asked them but never answerd!! so lets see..
1:you receive a gift. You open it and say "wow this is exactly what i need. It came in tame". What is the gift?
A Ring <--- it is always the perfect gift.
2: Close your eyes, now open them. You are someone else. Who do you want it to be?
mmm i dont know.. i think i just want to be myself, but to answer the Q i think i might want to be Princess Grace of Monaco she was so elegent.
3: You are setting in a coffe shop in the Champs-Elysées. there are five chairs aroun the table, you set on one, who sets on the other four?
5altee Areeeeeeeeeej :D:D <-- shes just the best,
5alti Manu and
Dava <--- missed you ya dobba :p
4: They give you a chance to appear on T.V for five minutes. Everyone on the planet is watching you, and everyone will believe whatever comes out of your mouth. What will your message be?
Islam is the right religion.
Jerusalem is for muslims.
Stop the war on Iraq.
I am the most clever girl in the world!
I am the cutest ever ;)
Hay Professors i always deserve A+s.
taggd to answer my own quistions, so that will be a little weird! i asked them but never answerd!! so lets see..
1:you receive a gift. You open it and say "wow this is exactly what i need. It came in tame". What is the gift?
A Ring <--- it is always the perfect gift.
2: Close your eyes, now open them. You are someone else. Who do you want it to be?
mmm i dont know.. i think i just want to be myself, but to answer the Q i think i might want to be Princess Grace of Monaco she was so elegent.
3: You are setting in a coffe shop in the Champs-Elysées. there are five chairs aroun the table, you set on one, who sets on the other four?
5altee Areeeeeeeeeej :D:D <-- shes just the best,
5alti Manu and
Dava <--- missed you ya dobba :p
4: They give you a chance to appear on T.V for five minutes. Everyone on the planet is watching you, and everyone will believe whatever comes out of your mouth. What will your message be?
Islam is the right religion.
Jerusalem is for muslims.
Stop the war on Iraq.
I am the most clever girl in the world!
I am the cutest ever ;)
Hay Professors i always deserve A+s.
lol loved the last answer :)
wastedchix, at 12:37 AM
yaaaaay cute ansrs hehe i thought it would be nice to see ur ansrs thats y i tagged u >.< btw did i mentioni luv ur blog ?
FA$HIONISTA, at 11:02 AM
thx girls :D
heroine: thx alot
bella: thx 4 the tag anyway, i love your blog too:D
daydreamer: alla y3afeeCH lol
ana-alia, at 7:20 AM
i always deserve A's too :P
a ring u say, huh?! "thoughts running in his head"
Bassem, at 1:43 PM
bassem your tagged, lets see what your answers will be!!
and be the way everyone deserves As..
ana-alia, at 6:21 AM
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