Truth Or Dare
spent last night playing truth or dare with my aunt and cousins (and when i say aunt, i mean my father`s sister- and we have a very very formal relation)!! She asked me a Q that i never ever thought about seriously (When do you want to get married?)... i thought for few seconds then gave up, and gave her the 1st number that bobed to my head: 8 years. They were all like oooooooooo your lying. Why do all poeple think that we girls will kill ourselves to get married? Any way that isn`t the subject, eventually my Qs where the best ;)... So let`s play the game. I`ll post my Qs and you guys will answer them :D.. you will tag 3 people.
1:you receive a gift. You open it and say "wow this is exactly what i need. It came in tame". What is the gift?
2: Closeyour eyes, now open them. You are someone else. Who do you want it to be?
3: You are setting in a coffe shop in the Champs-Elysées. there are five chairs aroun the table, you set on one, who sets on the other four?
4: They give you a chance to appear on T.V for five minutes. Everyone on the planet is watching you, and everyone will believe whatever comes out of your mouth. What will your message be?
i tag:
and V.O.G.U.E
spent last night playing truth or dare with my aunt and cousins (and when i say aunt, i mean my father`s sister- and we have a very very formal relation)!! She asked me a Q that i never ever thought about seriously (When do you want to get married?)... i thought for few seconds then gave up, and gave her the 1st number that bobed to my head: 8 years. They were all like oooooooooo your lying. Why do all poeple think that we girls will kill ourselves to get married? Any way that isn`t the subject, eventually my Qs where the best ;)... So let`s play the game. I`ll post my Qs and you guys will answer them :D.. you will tag 3 people.
1:you receive a gift. You open it and say "wow this is exactly what i need. It came in tame". What is the gift?
2: Closeyour eyes, now open them. You are someone else. Who do you want it to be?
3: You are setting in a coffe shop in the Champs-Elysées. there are five chairs aroun the table, you set on one, who sets on the other four?
4: They give you a chance to appear on T.V for five minutes. Everyone on the planet is watching you, and everyone will believe whatever comes out of your mouth. What will your message be?
i tag:
and V.O.G.U.E
yaaaaaaay 7yati i luv u my frst REAL tag im honored kiss kiss
FA$HIONISTA, at 12:07 PM
OH TAG ME TAG ME plzzz!!!!!
A Walking Coffee Bean, at 9:50 AM
saaay ittt:
"you're tagged!"
A Walking Coffee Bean, at 9:50 AM
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